Trend?!: Data creation anywhere, anytime by anyone

It seems everyone wants to create huge piles of data at the moment. Good news for all Data-Visualisation-People (like @MarianSteinbach).

There are websites like where you can find lots of pages that deal with the topic of generating data off oneself. A good example for this kind are all those running/biking and sports apps or gadgets like: nike+, nike fuel band, jawbone, etc.



Those Gadgets are wrapped around one’s wrist and collect data by measuring your movement and analyzing patterns from it. So the app guesses from the movement pattern that for instance you’ve been biking. For each shake or continuous movement you get points. Nike calls those “nike fuel”. As it counts any movement some users have already calculated by using the device how much calories they burn for things like partying or masturbating.

Another kind of “data collecting movement” can be found on kickstarter with the “citizen kit“. In short: You get an arduino-based computer that collects weather/climate-related data with multiple sensors. The data collected is transferred into a huge nexus of information via WLAN. We don’t need no NSA – we are collecting and sharing information on a scale that has never been there before.


As with the internet the question is how to “filter” such huge amounts of data? “Smart Citizen” offers a nice website for their community weather sensors:
Check out their website here.

30. August 2013, Simon Theis
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